Law School Practice Exams

Below is a list of law school practice exams for law students. These are great preparation for midterm exams or final exams. Most of these practice exams are provided by law schools.

If you are looking for tips and advice for preparing for law school exams, check out these: Law School Exams Preparation Tips and Guides. Here are my most recent articles on law school exams and preparation.

Here are various resources for practice exams:

You may also want to consider Examples & ExplanationsFriedman’s Practice Exam Series, or Law School Flashcards.

The purpose for providing these law school exams for law students is to help law students prepare for final exams.

Exam-taking is a skill. That skill must be practiced for law students to improve their exam-taking performance. By taking these practice exams, you can hone many aspects of your law school exam-taking skills including (1) improving your timing, (2) identifying areas that you don’t know well, (3) writing quickly, (4) identifying the characters in the fact pattern and noting the legal concepts that apply to each, and (5) working under pressure with a time deadline.

To be most effective in your law school exams, find the practice exams that are most similar to the ones your professor uses. In fact, if you can get a hold of your law school professor’s old exams, those will be best, since they indicate the style and approach your professor uses. You can often obtain your law school professor’s old exams in your law school library, by asking your professor, or by talking with upper-level law students who have taking that particular professor’s course.

Once you get the practice exam, be sure to do it under the time limits imposed by the professor. You can always revisit the exam afterwards to study it further. But the real benefit of a practice exam, as opposed to reading an outline for example, is that your mind and emotions get to experience the practice exam under similar conditions as your final exam, giving yourself a chance to consciously and subconsciously prepare for the final law school exam.

With a little extra work, you can dramatically improve your test-taking ability. A number of resources provide other practice exams or tips for taking exams in law schools

For other exam advice, read more about How to Prepare for Law School Exams or read other exam related articles on Or read law school exam advice at Jurist.